278 lines
7.4 KiB
278 lines
7.4 KiB
package main
import (
var staggeredStartChan chan bool
func DoTries(o *shared.RunningInstance, req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) {
var resp *http.Response
var err error
for tries := 0; tries < 10; tries++ {
resp, err = o.Client.Do(req)
if err != nil {
// URL.Scheme, Host, Path Opaque
logWarn("Failure connecting to "+req.URL.Scheme+"://"+req.URL.Host+req.URL.Path+", attempt ", tries+1, ", sleeping for 5 minutes: ", err)
time.Sleep(time.Minute * 5)
return resp, err
func BuildClient(endpoint string) http.Client {
logDebug("BuildClient for ", endpoint)
// Test: TestBuildClient, TestBuildClientProxy
/* The seemingly unused 'endpoint' variable is for proxying based on endpoint, ie for Tor */
tr := &http.Transport{
MaxIdleConns: 2,
IdleConnTimeout: 3600 * time.Second,
DialContext: (&net.Dialer{
Timeout: 30 * time.Second,
KeepAlive: 30 * time.Second,
DualStack: true,
client := http.Client{Transport: tr}
return client
func GetRunner(endpoint string) (shared.RunningInstance, bool) {
// Tests: TestGetRunnerNonExist, TestGetRunnerExists
o, exists := runninginstances[endpoint]
if exists == false {
o = shared.RunningInstance{}
selectRet := pool.QueryRow(context.Background(), "SELECT banned, alwaysbot FROM instances WHERE endpoint = $1", endpoint)
err := selectRet.Scan(&o.Banned, &o.Alwaysbot)
if err != nil {
logDebug("Did not find instance in database: ", endpoint)
if o.Banned == true {
logInfo("Banned instance: ", endpoint)
} else {
logDebug("Building runner for: ", endpoint)
o.Client = BuildClient(endpoint)
o.Status = shared.KEEPALIVE
o.Recentactivities = shared.NewUniqueFifo(10)
o.Recentactors = shared.NewUniqueFifo(10)
runninginstances[endpoint] = o
return o, exists
func UpdateRunner(endpoint string, o shared.RunningInstance) {
// Tests: None necessary
runninginstances[endpoint] = o
func GetInstanceInfo(endpoint string, o shared.RunningInstance) shared.RunningInstance {
/* Checking order
* Mastodon/Pleroma/Misskey
* Um..nothing else yet
logDebug("GetInstanceInfo for ", endpoint)
var nodeinfo shared.NodeInfo
pleromastodon_nodeinfo_uri := "https://" + endpoint + "/nodeinfo/2.0.json"
// Checking Mastodon and Pleroma (with .json)
reqjson, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", pleromastodon_nodeinfo_uri, nil)
reqjson.Header.Set("User-Agent", "Tusky")
pleromastodon_api_resp, err := DoTries(&o, reqjson)
if err != nil {
o.Software = "Unsupported"
return o
} else {
defer pleromastodon_api_resp.Body.Close()
if pleromastodon_api_resp.StatusCode == 200 {
err = json.NewDecoder(pleromastodon_api_resp.Body).Decode(&nodeinfo)
if err == nil {
o.Software = nodeinfo.Software.Name
o.Version = nodeinfo.Software.Version
o.LastRun = time.Now().Format(time.RFC3339)
defer pleromastodon_api_resp.Body.Close()
return o
// Checking for Misskey (without .json)
misskey_nodeinfo_uri := "https://" + endpoint + "/nodeinfo/2.0"
req, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", misskey_nodeinfo_uri, nil)
req.Header.Set("User-Agent", "Tusky")
misskey_api_resp, err := DoTries(&o, req)
if err != nil {
o.Software = "Unsupported"
return o
} else {
defer misskey_api_resp.Body.Close()
if misskey_api_resp.StatusCode == 200 {
err = json.NewDecoder(misskey_api_resp.Body).Decode(&nodeinfo)
if err == nil {
o.Software = nodeinfo.Software.Name
o.Version = nodeinfo.Software.Version
o.LastRun = time.Now().Format(time.RFC3339)
defer misskey_api_resp.Body.Close()
return o
// Check for Lemmy (With Json)
lemmy_nodeinfo_uri := "https://" + endpoint + "/nodeinfo/2.1"
req, _ = http.NewRequest("GET", lemmy_nodeinfo_uri, nil)
req.Header.Set("User-Agent", "Tusky")
lemmy_api_resp, err := DoTries(&o, req)
if err != nil {
o.Software = "Unsupported"
return o
} else {
defer lemmy_api_resp.Body.Close()
if lemmy_api_resp.StatusCode == 200 {
err = json.NewDecoder(lemmy_api_resp.Body).Decode(&nodeinfo)
if err == nil {
logDebug("Found a new Lemmy instance: " + endpoint)
o.Software = nodeinfo.Software.Name
o.Version = nodeinfo.Software.Version
o.LastRun = time.Now().Format(time.RFC3339)
defer lemmy_api_resp.Body.Close()
return o
// Unsupported Software
o.Software = "Unsupported"
o.Version = "Unknown"
return o
func LogInstance(endpoint string, o shared.RunningInstance) bool {
logDebug("LogInstance: ", endpoint)
selectRet := pool.QueryRow(context.Background(), "SELECT FROM instances WHERE endpoint = $1", endpoint)
err := selectRet.Scan()
if err == nil {
return true // Endpoint already in database, continuing
_, err = pool.Exec(context.Background(), "INSERT INTO instances (endpoint, state, software) VALUES($1, $2, $3)", endpoint, "", o.Software)
if err != nil {
logWarn("Error inserting ", endpoint+" into `instances`: ", err)
return true
return false
func CheckInstance(newinstance string, callerEndpoint string) {
logDebug("checkInstance: ", newinstance)
if settings.Crawl == true {
// Skip over this if its the same as the endpoint or empty
if newinstance == callerEndpoint || newinstance == "" {
var err error
for attempt := 0; attempt > 5; attempt = attempt + 1 {
_, err = net.LookupHost(newinstance)
if err != nil {
logDebug("Unable to resolve "+newinstance+" attempt ", attempt, "/5. Sleeping for 30 seconds")
time.Sleep(time.Second * 30)
if err != nil {
logWarn("Unable to resolve ", newinstance, " after 5 attempts, giving up: ", err)
// Skip over this if its the same as the endpoint
if newinstance == callerEndpoint {
// Going forward, this might be merged into GetRunner
o, exists := runninginstances[newinstance]
if exists == false || o.Status == shared.KEEPALIVE {
m := shared.RunningInstance{}
m.Client = BuildClient(newinstance)
m.Recentactivities = shared.NewUniqueFifo(10)
m.Recentactors = shared.NewUniqueFifo(10)
runninginstances[newinstance] = m
go StartInstance(newinstance)
func staggeredStart() {
for {
time.Sleep(500 * time.Millisecond)
func StartInstance(endpoint string) {
staggeredStartChan <- true
logInfo("Starting " + endpoint)
// Check if exists. If so, get the object. If not, create it
o, _ := GetRunner(endpoint)
if o.Banned == true {
logInfo("Ignoring banned instance: ", endpoint)
return // banned instance
o = GetInstanceInfo(endpoint, o)
UpdateRunner(endpoint, o)
LogInstance(endpoint, o)
if o.Software == "pleroma" {
logConn("Starting " + endpoint + " as " + o.Software + " " + o.Version)
o.CaptureType = "Stream"
UpdateRunner(endpoint, o)
// PollMastodonPleroma(endpoint, &o)
} else if o.Software == "mastodon" {
logConn("Starting " + endpoint + " as " + o.Software + " " + o.Version)
o.CaptureType = "Stream"
UpdateRunner(endpoint, o)
StreamMastodon(endpoint, &o)
} else if o.Software == "misskey" {
logConn("Starting " + endpoint + " as " + o.Software + " " + o.Version)
o.CaptureType = "Stream"
UpdateRunner(endpoint, o)
} else {
o.Status = 605
UpdateRunner(endpoint, o)
logConn("Unsupported endpoint " + endpoint)